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ghd Still clearly remember when entering Hei Yancheng met crazy carriage, coachman Han was asked one: how? Miss Cher, but also because Brontosaurus see her being coachman Han reprimanded sentence. Home to marry a wife is certainly a good segment still continues to fly ghd excitement, did not notice that the girl away at the moment has been up, and its direction, few actually come straight to this party. Brontosaurus frowned, constantly flying segment with eyes to indicate stop nonsense. However, in the excitement of flying is no sleep segment, continues ghd charming idea that some nasty.

Uh While flying segment careless, but is still shocked by the sudden girls. Under panic, his face turned red burst burst of white. The girl standing on the table, but it is silent, no hint of emotional upheaval Qiaolian point of view, a pair of eyes watching closely staggered segments flying red and white face. Shi Yue and Wang Hao also stopped to eat at the moment, watching the segment fly that looks like distress, fighting back not to laugh out loud, ghd nz just a peek of that young girls have also seen a brontosaurus to fly wink segment, but it is somewhat mischievously reminded not to say anything.

Uh, ghd...... sit down. Flying segment shift inside the body thought, but embarrassed to find that this small table has been filled four myself. Girls still said nothing, just stared at him lightly in the eyes quiet, people can not figure out what she was thinking. Charming little Lianpang, a ray of purple hair from the face drawn down, with white cheeks reflect together extraordinarily moving. ghd...... Girl's indifference makes flying more incoherent paragraph, one time even reaction, however, do not know what is good.


